To Eat or Not to Eat Before Working Out

Whether to eat before hitting the gym is a common question. While some swear by pre-workout meals, others prefer exercising on an empty stomach. It's a dilemma many of us face, and the answer isn't always clear-cut. Amidst this confusion, it's essential to understand the science behind pre-workout nutrition to optimize your performance and results. Let's break it down into practical, no-nonsense advice.

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The Role of Muscle Memory in Rehabilitation and Recovery

Building on the critical role of muscle memory in rehabilitation, I've experienced firsthand how this physiological phenomenon aids in the recovery process. Currently, I am rehabilitating from a medial collateral ligament (MCL) tear. This personal ordeal has not only tested my physical endurance but also highlighted the incredible role that muscle memory plays in regaining strength and functionality.

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Light Weights, More Reps vs. High Weights, Fewer Reps: Which to Choose?

Read this blog, so that the next time you hear a "Mr-Know-It-All," (they are all around), give gyaan/sermon on the benefits of lifting light weights for more reps; no, don't punch him in his face; just laugh and ignore. You know muscle science, and you know what's best for you!

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My Battle with Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is a prevalent issue that many, especially women, grapple with—yet often, it goes unrecognized and unacknowledged. Acknowledging the problem is the first step toward change. I acknowledged my struggle and am actively working with an awesome coach to help guide me back on track. If you find yourself in this situation, know that you're not alone and that understanding and change, both, are within your reach.

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Personal Review: A Week of Using the Deep Tissue Massager – A Game Changer for Workout Recovery!

little powerhouse has quickly become my new best friend for post-workout recovery, and I’m genuinely impressed with the results. First Impression When I first got my hands on the Deep Tissue Massager, I was intrigued but a bit skeptical. Could this compact device really make a difference in my recovery process? It boasts an ergonomic design and comes with various attachments that target different muscle groups, which looked promising. Let's find out.

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Subtle Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace

Being in a supportive environment can boost your confidence, making you more likely to speak up, share ideas, and take on leadership roles. It's like suddenly realizing you're swimming with the current, not against it. But when you step into less welcoming territories, it can feel like a cold splash of reality. The contrast can stir up all sorts of feelings—frustration, self-doubt, and even impostor syndrome.

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Roll into Recovery with a Foam Roller

If you’re like me, you often find yourself in a love-hate relationship with your muscles. One day, they're pushing through those last few reps like champs, and the next, they're stiff as a board, screaming at you for every movement. Trust my trusty sidekick in muscle recovery: the humble foam roller. This simple tool has been a must-have for my post-workout routine, and after a year of rolling out the kinks, I’m here to spread the gospel.

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All you Need to Know About Cupping Therapy

You might have seen athletes and gym goers with those circular marks and wondered, "What's that?" Well, that's cupping therapy for you, a unique treatment that's been around for ages. It is rooted in ancient medical traditions from around the world, including Chinese, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cultures.

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Why We Must Break up with Sugar After 40

SUGAR, is the most dangerous and sly culprit that's stealthily sneaking its way into our lives. Guess what? As we hit our 40s, this sneaky sugar trap becomes even more perilous. Let's understand what sugar does to us after the age of 40 and why it might be time to break up with it.

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BCAAs: Myth vs. Reality – Do You Really Need Them?

One of the front-runners in the supplement marathon is BCAAs. BCAAs have become the Usain Bolt of the supplement world. But here's the kicker – do most people even know what they're chugging down with such enthusiasm?

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10 High-Protein Indian Breakfasts

For those striving for fat loss and muscle building, the right breakfast can make a significant impact both for fat loss as well as gaining muscle. I’ve curated a list of 10 effective Indian breakfast options that are moderate in carbs, high in protein, and provide 300-400 calories to aid your fitness goals.

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The Hype About Himalayan Salt: Fact Vs Fiction

We Indian have pushed aside our very own "Tata Salt - Desh ka Namak" in favor of its expensive cousin, the Pink Himalayan Salt . But before you start sprinkling it on everything, it's time to take a closer look at the science behind this trend and determine if the hype around Himalayan salt is justified.

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5 Myths Vs Reality About Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness is a normal part of the fitness journey, but it's essential to separate fact from fiction. Don't let these myths derail your workout motivation. Understanding the science behind muscle soreness can help you train smarter, recover better, and achieve your fitness goals without unnecessary pain.

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My Experiment with Keto

As a health and fitness enthusiast, I couldn't resist the temptation to try the Ketogenic diet. I embarked on a two-month keto journey (sometime in 2018) as an experiment to gain first hand experience and understanding of its impact. Here's my honest personal journal of my 8-week tryst with Keto.

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Why are We A Nation of Unhappy People?

Ranking at 126th spot, India has managed to park itself at the bottom of the World Happiness Report 2023. This raises the obvious question in my mind "Why are Indians so unhappy?"

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The Beauty of Option B

I'm not usually the one for self-help books, but I picked up "Option B" by Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, by chance at the airport bookstore, and I'm glad I did. The book, published in 2017, is a first-hand narrative of how Sandberg coped with grief and loss after she lost her husband, Dave Goldberg, in a tragic accident. Not only did she face and cope with grief, but also, saw the beauty of healing from it.

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Women, lace up your shoes! A Beginner’s Guide to Trekking

If you're a woman who's been curious about trekking but confused and scared, I'm here to tell you that if the mountains are calling, you must go!

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Navigating Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Enlarged Liver

Once considered a condition primarily associated with excessive alcohol consumption, NAFLD is now striking individuals who abstain from alcohol. Rather than a disease, an enlarged liver is a sign of an underlying problem, such as liver disease, congestive heart failure or cancer. So, what's causing this trend, and how can women protect their liver health?

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Managing Periods with Grace, On a Trek

It can happen to any woman on a trek or during a vacation or anywhere else, and we just to learn to deal with it. Here's my tale of navigating those mountainous trails while embracing the natural rhythm of my body. I hope it will help some woman somewhere, giving her more courage and conviction to go with the 'flow'. Literally so!

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10 Profound Lessons from High-Altitude Trekking

Life is a journey, they say. Well, for me, that journey took a captivating detour when I discovered the world of high-altitude trekking in my late 30s. Picture this: a working mom of two teenagers, juggling a career, parenting, and everyday responsibilities, suddenly falling in love with the idea of conquering towering peaks, navigating rugged trails, and breathing the crisp mountain air. It may sound like an unconventional choice......

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Apple Cider Vinegar & Weight Loss

The "Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss" trend has been around for quite some time. It's been hailed as a weight loss miracle, a digestive aid, and an elixir of health. You'll find hundreds of reels, shorts, and videos of self-proclaimed fitness influencers yapping away about this magic potion and how it helped them drop sizes in no time. If you are smart, you know it's for the views and likes. But is it really the magic some claim it to be?

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The Importance of Probiotics for Gut Health

Good health begins in the gut. In recent years, there's been a growing awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, and probiotics play a key role in achieving this. Let's understand why probiotics are essential and how our Indian food are scientifically designed to be rich in probiotics.

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Unconventional Fitness Trends

Do you ever find yourself in a workout rut, doing the same exercises day in and day out? It's time to break free from the monotony and explore the exhilarating realm of unconventional fitness trends. From soaring through the air in aerial yoga to conquering obstacle courses like a Ninja Warrior, these innovative workouts offer not only a physical challenge but a fresh perspective on fitness.

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10 Legal Rights Every Indian Woman Must Know

In a country where strength and resilience are woven into the fabric of every woman's journey, understanding one's legal rights becomes a powerful tool for empowerment. This blog is a guiding light, shedding light on the top 10 legal rights every woman in India should know. Let's explore these rights, recognizing the situations in which they can be exercised to create a safer and more equitable world for all.

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Perimenopause: Embrace the Change

Just like the seasons of nature, women's bodies go through changes that are both natural and unique. In this blog, we'll delve deep into the world of perimenopause – shedding light on symptoms, debunking some common myths, exploring coping strategies, and providing you with evidence-based advice to embrace this journey with strength and vitality. Let's step into this chapter together, armed with knowledge, empathy, and unwavering support.

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Postpartum Exercise and Nutrition

Hello, new and expectant mothers embarking on the beautiful journey of postpartum recovery! Just as you've welcomed or are getting ready to welcome your bundle of joy, it's essential to give your body the care and attention it deserves during this transformative phase. I understand how important postpartum health is and am here to provide you with evidence-based guidance on exercise and nutrition that will, hopefully, empower you to navigate this chapter with confidence and well-being. To set things into perspective, you will also find a sample diet and exercise plan!

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The Intersection of Fitness and Feminism

Feminism is the belief in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Fitness is the condition of being physically fit and healthy. The two concepts may seem unrelated, but they are deeply interconnected in more ways than we know.

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Sauces and Dressings: 5 DIY Alternatives (Part 3)

in this blog post, I will share five of my favorite DIY sauces and dressings that are healthier alternatives to calorie-loaded and fat-filled toppings and dressings. These recipes are all simple to follow and use ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. So, next time you're looking for a healthier way to flavor your food, give one of these recipes a try!

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Sauces and Dressings: How to Keep Children Away from Them (Part 2)

Ketchup and sauces are a common part of many children's diets. However, these condiments can be high in sugar, sodium, and calories. As a parent of teenagers, I believe that it is important to be mindful of what our children are eating because they're still growing and developing, and it's utterly important to establish the right eating patterns and introduce them to better choices.

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Sauces and Dressings: The sneaky saboteurs in your fitness journey (Part1)

In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, we often focus on our main meals and their nutritional content, forgetting about the hidden culprits that can sabotage our efforts. Yes, we're talking about sauces and toppings! Those seemingly innocent additions can add a surprising amount of calories to our daily consumption. Understanding the impact of hidden calories is the first step towards making healthier choices.

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The Benefits of HIIT Training for Women

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of workout that involves alternating between short bursts of intense activity and periods of rest or low-intensity activity. HIIT workouts are known for their effectiveness in burning calories, improving cardiovascular health, and boosting metabolism. HIIT workouts are especially beneficial for women and can be customized to fit your individual fitness level and goals.

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Top 10 Smartwatches Under INR 5,000

Smartwatches are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a way to stay connected, track fitness, and get notifications without having to take out your phone. However, not all smartwatches are created equal, and the price can vary greatly. If you're looking for a budget-friendly smartwatch that still has all the features you need, here are 10 of the best options in India.

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How to Incorporate Mindfulness and Mind-Muscle Connection

There has been a growing interest in the intersection of mindfulness and mind-muscle connection. More and more people are realizing that these two practices can be used together to improve their overall fitness experience but struggle with practicing it. In this blog, I'll help you understand mind-muscle connection better and also suggest tips to get you started on it.

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Forgiveness and Healing: One Cannot Happen Without The Other

Life is a beautiful, complex tapestry of emotions, relationships, and experiences. Among the many threads that weave our human existence, forgiveness, and healing stand out as two of the most profound and interconnected elements. In my own life, I've discovered that forgiveness and healing are not isolated concepts but deeply interconnected processes that can only happen together.

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Decision Fatigue: More May Not Be Merrier!

Like me, if you realize that having to make too many choices is crippling your life instead of enriching it, it’s time to free yourself from the stress and "decision fatigue".

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Menstrual Cup: 5 Most Common Myths vs. Reality

I must admit, when I first heard about menstrual cups, I was scared, confused, and apprehensive. The idea of using something so different from traditional sanitary products was daunting. But as someone who loves outdoor activities and values sustainability, I knew I had to explore this option. I started using the menstrual cup 3 years back, and this was one of the best decisions I made! In this blog, I'll debunk the top 5 myths about menstrual cups and share the reality I discovered and experienced. Let's dive into my journey of overcoming fears and embracing a change that has positively impacted my life.

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Setting Up Your Home Gym: Basic Equipment and Investment

Setting up a home gym is an empowering way to take control of your health and well-being. It's a personalized space where you can work out on your terms without the barriers of distance, time, or money. Whether you're a busy mom, a working professional, a senior looking to stay active, or anyone in between, a home gym can be tailored to your needs and goals. In this blog, I'll help explore the basic equipment you'll need to set up a home gym and the investment required. Let's break down the barriers and make fitness accessible to all!

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10 Amazing Ways You Can Use Milk-Whey

Have you ever wondered what to do with the yellowish liquid (also known as homemade whey/whey from cheese making/milk whey) that gets leftover when you make cottage cheese (paneer)? Cottage cheese/Paneer is a regular feature in our kitchen, and most of don't know the many uses of the leftover whey and end up discarding it. Milk whey is a powerhouse of natural vitamins and proteins.

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The Truth About Whey Protein: 5 Myths vs Reality

As a health and fitness enthusiast and coach, I often encounter misconceptions and apprehensions surrounding whey protein. Whether you're an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or someone just starting on their health journey, understanding whey protein is essential. However, unfortunately, the innocent whey protein is highly misunderstood. In this blog, I'll debunk five common myths about whey protein and help you understand this macronutrient in a better way. At the end of the blog, you'll find the brand and flavor of whey protein I am currently using.

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15 Nutritious Indian Snacks to Fuel Your Fitness Journey

In this blog, I've curated a list of 20 delicious and protein-packed Indian snacks that are perfect for anyone who is on their fitness journey. These snacks are portable and take little or no time to cook. Each snack is not only flavorful but also provides essential macronutrients to keep you energized and satisfied throughout the day.

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Full Body vs. Split Workout Plans: Which is Best for You?

When it comes to choosing a workout plan, the debate between Full Body and Split routines has long been a topic of discussion among fitness enthusiasts. Both plans have their merits, but understanding their benefits and how they align with your fitness goals is crucial. Let me help you understand what is a Full Body Workout Plan and how is it different from Split plans, the advantages of a Full Body workout plan, and whether it's the right choice for you.

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The Universe has your back!

When you receive messages from the universe, it’s important that you don’t question them or overthink or try to make sense of them logically. When you question or challenge it, it stops being a sign. The universe expresses itself in the simplest forms; it’s only our minds and egos that try to know the why, the what, and the when.

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A workout or training split (muscle groups or body parts that you train on different days of the week) is like planning an itinerary before embarking on a journey. Following a training split that’s most optimal for your goals, helps you reach your goals faster, minimizes injuries, and doesn’t leave you exhausted and demotivated.

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Is it okay to take your baby everywhere?

As young parents of infants and toddlers, you need to understand that ‘sometimes’ sacrificing some ‘fun-stuff’ too is a part of parenting. It’s just a matter of time before the kids are grown up enough to be left behind by themselves, or with a caretaker or extended family, and you can once again have all the fun you missed out on.

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Moving on without Closure

Either you can go down the dark rabbit-hole "seeking closure", which you may never get or "finding closure" on your own. The choice is yours to make and the choice you make will shape your life. You may not have the closure you want, but you must have the healing you need.

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How Running Helped Me Fight Depression and I ended up doing an Ironman

In 2015, I decided to do my first ever long run of 3 kms which can neither be termed as Long or even a Run but I did. Thereafter I was clocking hours on the roads and logging miles which are obviously junk miles cause I did not enjoy them.

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Not one day has gone by, in my health journey, without eating a piece of dark chocolate! If like me, you dream of eating chocolate every day, without jeopardizing your health goals, well, here you'll find 6 excuses for it. You'll also know which dark chocolate is best and how much of it you can have in a day.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Weight Training

People who know me know that I have transformed myself with weight training. I do not undermine the benefits of yoga or cardio or any other form of workout but this article is for people who want to give weight training a shot but do not know how to.

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My love-story with the cycle

Today marks my 7 year tryst with the bicycle! What started as a desperate move to shed some weight, soon turned into a love story, that helped me see myself in a different perspective. A lot has changed in the last 7 years and life has crossed some remarkable milestones. Much of the transformation has... Continue Reading →

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While it is true that a picture speaks a thousand words, the over usage of emojis has reduced its novelty and diluted its purpose. An emoji can at best be an add-on to a message, but by itself it is hollow and devoid of emotions.

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